2020 was a challenging year as a small business owner. Before the pandemic struck Iowa in mid-March, 98% of my business was done face-to-face. As we switched to exclusively virtual, I learned quickly how to create a welcoming atmosphere through a computer screen; how to pace workouts so that they were the right speed for clients practicing on their own at home; and how to transfer energy and encouragement over the internet.
After teaching countless private, duet, and group class Pilate sessions over the last year, we’re ready to launch a new product that takes everything we’ve learned to give you the best possible results. Introducing the 30 Day Pilates Reset! Just what kind of exercises will you be doing? Watch the video below for a sneak peek.
If you’re wondering whether you should join the Reset, here are some questions to ask yourself:
Do I want more strength, flexibility, and better balance?
Do I want less pain and joint stiffness?
Am I interested in a method of exercise that I can do from now until I’m 99?
Can I find 30 minutes to workout?
If you answered yes to any of the above, click the image below to get started!