Have you thought about how to make 2021 your best year? If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that everything but our attitude was out of our control. It doesn’t have to be that way going forward. We are here to help you feel better, age more gracefully, and take control of your health.
One of my goals as the owner of Northwoods Pilates is to bring you Pilates in a way that will make a difference in your life. We know that, statistically speaking, 33% of people who create a new year’s resolution quit before the end of January. The secret to not becoming one of the 33 percent? You’ve got to find a program that works for you, start planning ahead, write down your goals, and commit to them! I’m so excited to announce that we’ve created an awesome Pilates program that you’re going to love!
Introducing the 30 Day Pilates Reset! As a participant in the 30 Day Pilates Reset, you will receive 30 different Pilates mat workouts, each 30 minutes long, over the course of 30 days. These workouts will drop into your inbox at 12:01 each morning, and it’s up to you when to work them into your life. They’re short and effective routines that will fit into even the busiest schedule. Plus, you will gain more flexibility, strength, and balance, while reducing stress, pain, and stiffness!
These routines were designed with you in mind. They will help you make yourself and your health a priority in 2021. The 30 Day Pilates Reset can be done on your own – or, if you like extra accountability – we’ve set up a challenge as well. Check out the details below and register now for pre-sale prices!
Accountability is very important to your success. If you join the reset with a workout buddy, you can each take 10% off by using the code “WORKOUTBUDDY” at checkout.
Pilates is for everybody! Whether you’re a beginner, a begin-againer, or someone who is looking to create more healthy habits in her life, this program is for you! The Reset (and Challenge) begins January 10th, 2021. Click here to join us!